Gifts and Donations

The library acknowledges the great importance of gifts and donations to the Library’s future growth and development. In recognition of such, the Library welcomes gifts of cash, securities, furnishings or real property. For the donation of library collection items, please refer to the Collection Donation Policy found under the Collection Section.  These gifts help enrich and improve the Library’s resources.

Acceptance of Gifts

1. Any donations or gifts to the library must be consistent with the library’s policies, goals and objectives, and/or master plan.

2. All donations (of furnishings, equipment, and real property, etc.) become the sole property of the library. No gifts of this nature are accepted unless freely given to the Library without restriction to be used as the library sees fit.

3. The decision as to the acceptance of furnishings and equipment shall be made by the Library Board of Directors on the advice of the Library Director. Among the criteria on which the decision shall be based are need, space, impact on staff time, and expense and frequency of maintenance.

4. The decision as to the acceptance and location of gifts of interior ornamentation, sculpture and signage shall be made by the Library Board of Directors on the advice of the Library Director.

5. Gifts of cash, securities, real property and bequests that support the mission of the Library will be handled by the Library Director, who, with the Board of Directors, will work out terms of acceptance that are compatible with Library policies, the donor’s intent, and applicable laws.

Disposition of Gifts

1. The Library retains unconditional ownership of an accepted gift. All donations are accepted only if the Library Director or the Board of Directors determines that they can be utilized by, or benefit the Library. Once conveyed to the Library, no gift will be returned to the donor.

2. The library reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing, and access to the materials.

3. All gifts may be utilized, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the Library.

4. The library is not obligated to keep donated materials for any length of time. The Library Board reserves the right to make the final decision on the disposition of any gift.

5. All monetary donations will be conveyed and transferred to the Friends of the Griggs County Library, who will deposit them in the organization’s accounts and use them or invest them in accordance with the donor’s wishes.

Acknowledgement of Gifts

1. All gifts, other than donations of used materials, shall be acknowledged by a personal note to the donor from the Library Director or an appropriate representative of the library. In instances where the gift is in honor or memory of a third party or individual, a letter will be sent to the honoree or to his or her family to let them know about the tribute. A letter of acknowledgement goes to the donor as well.

2. The library will not appraise items for tax purposes. The library is unable to provide book value statements to patrons. Establishing accurate prices can be a complex procedure, requiring a time-consuming search in auction records and price guides, which are not readily available in libraries. Patrons who wish to have items appraised must themselves acquire and pay a professional appraiser. However, prospective donors are advised that the cost of the appraisal itself is also deductible if the gift is being given to a qualifying charitable institution such as ours.

For further information about IRS regulations, publication 561, “Valuation of Donated Property,” and publication 546, ” Income Tax Deduction for Contributions, are available free of charge from local tax bureaus and on the web at The library will provide a receipt to the donor of professionally appraised gifts, both thanking the donor and acknowledging the value of the donation. The library will provide (on request) a receipt to donors of un-appraised gifts which, while acknowledging the donation, will not establish, assign, or concede any value.

3. Monetary contributions are added to the Library’s Gift Fund administered by The Friends of the Griggs County Library for purchase of materials, programs or equipment not included in the normal operating budget approved through the Griggs County Commissioner or the City of Cooperstown from public monies.