Strategic Plan

Mission Statement of the Griggs County Library

The mission of the Griggs County Public Library is to collaborate with the community to provide programs and services that bring people together, foster creativity, and encourage lifelong learning.

Vision of the Griggs County Library

To be the welcoming heart of our community where we preserve our storied past, enrich present lives, and prepare for an ever-changing future.

Goals and Objectives

Public Awareness:  Increase the importance of the library to the community in the eyes of the community and local governing officials.

Objective 1:  Strive to involve local government officials in library programs.

Objective 2:  Create and implement a marketing plan

  1. Update website
  2. Social media strategy

Objective 3:  By 2024, conduct at least four creative literary programs for each age level (preschool, grades 1 to 6, teens, and adults) per year. 

Objective 4:  By 2024, the library staff will conduct STEAM classes for all age groups of the community.

Objective 5:  Increase outreach programs within the community by coordinating programs with other groups – County Extension Service, PEO, Museum, Cooperstown Home School Association.

Staffing:  Employ creative and positive staff focused on library users’ interests and needs

Objective 1: Over the life of the plan, increase the education level of the staff through training offered on and off site. 

Objective 2: Over the life of the plan, the Library Board will strive to increase the wages of all staff members at least 2% each year.

Objective 3: Have an educated staff in the area of dispersing information to the community to maintain a library awareness within the community.  By 2024, have at least one staff member with an expert understanding of Facebook and Instagram posting, creating posters, and writing weekly newspaper articles.

Space:  Proving a warm and welcome place for community members to gather

Objective 1:  Improve the current library with wider aisle space between shelves. 

Objective 2: Keep the interior of the building up-to-date.

Community: Be actively engaged in the life of the community

Objective 1: Each full-time staff member attend a County Commissioners meeting and a City Council meeting at least yearly.

Objective 2: A full-time staff members take an active part in Community Club.

Objective 3: Staff members seek opportunities to present information to area organizations such as the monthly meeting of PEO or Senior Citizens, the yearly meeting of the Museum in all towns within Griggs County on how the library can be of use to the organization.

Approved June 2, 2021